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Synopsis: Dr. Harry Wolper, a lonely biologist, is unable to let go of the memory of his beloved wife who died 25 years earlier during childbirth. Armed with his genius as a biologist/physician, he is intent on mastering the process of creating life. Specifically, in the form of his dead wife. All that's standing in his way is the university, the faculty, the laws of nature and about 20 local ordinances! But just when he is about to unravel the mystery of life, a sexy young assistant moves in and captures his heart. Now, the only life that comes unraveled is his own. A wild and wonderful fantasy that is comically brought together by a wacky professor and his free spirited assistants.

Directed By: Ivan Passer Genre: Comedy
Cast: Mariel Hemingway, Virginia Madsen, Peter O'Toole,
Vincent Spano, David Ogden Stiers
Year of Production: 1985


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Creator (DVD, R)

Region: 1
Released: Apr-27-1999
Run Time: 107 minutes

The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* donservo (Added movie on April 7, 2005)

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